well now speak about a new collective boxes are opening in Osona
Joves Comunistes del Poble Català (JCPC). is only a collective of our great country Catalonia.
have points in Catalonia, and other international party (the Peninsula) called CJC
The CJC-Young Communists of the Catalan people are a communist youth organization, we organize to fight for our legitimate rights and interests, joining the youth, strengthening the youth movement. The CJC-JCPC us the communist youth organization of Catalonia, and our project is the project of CJC (Collectives of Young Communists) and to the Revolutionary Communist Youth of Spain. In Catalonia, our supporters concerning Communist Party of the People of Catalonia (PCPC), which shares the revolutionary proposal of the working class in the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain (PCPE), and work with him to join the youth in the general struggle for socialism and communism. We are organizing a training school for Communist militants know where receive practical experience and organizational learning that allows us to analyze and discuss political issues that affect youth, where we learn through debate, the study, creative activity and the collective work, the principles of Marxism-Leninism, that science helps us to analyze reality, the new phenomena that occur in it, and thus intervene in it to transform it . The constant training (practical and theoretical) is a prerequisite for progress in the fight against capitalism. We therefore we provide our own experience, our own training materials, policy analysis and discussion.
WE Internationalist
Practice proletarian internationalism, anti-imperialism, which is based on representing the interests of workers and the world. Extending bonds of friendship, solidarity and common action that unite peoples and young people across the world struggling for peace, democracy, social and national liberation, social progress, socialism and communism.
We are an organization Leninist
Build Leninist organization, based on democratic centralism, organizational form that guarantees democracy and transparency, encourages discussion and elaboration of the political collective and also the implementation of collective agreements. All the members are accountable for their work and commitment, regardless of the responsibility he holds, the minority must accomplish the majority of the agreements, overcoming individualism, and may not be organized factions or currents. As we grow and build collective, we are making progress on democratic centralism and the revolutionary character of the CJC and the CJC-JCPC, as each group with their work and contributions policies enriches the whole organization.
The CJC-JCPC work to build the project of revolutionary youth worker and student in Catalonia. We base our strategy in fighting organization in the accumulation of power by mobilizing sustained. In the struggle to unmask the ideological capitalist exploitation through the organization of society, united with other labor organizations and youth engagement and participation in social and political movements.
JOIN the student movement
As a youth organization, our main battlefront is the student movement. The young student revolutionary and progressive we take steps toward building a student movement can not only raise a defensive struggle (against the attacks of capitalism), but also propose creating a new educational model. We must give ourselves the instrument organizational unitary, democratic and broad, to defend the interests of the majority of the students. We argue that it is public education, quality, free, egalitarian, secular, scientific, popular and intercultural and that respects and takes into account the different languages and cultures of the state.
Against labor exploitation
Likewise, the fight against the exploitation of workers and against the social and employment insecurity, against the timing, the contracts "rubbish", the temporary employment, against the denial of the right to housing and other forms of exploitation and exclusion in which capitalism brings us to the majority of youth are priority objectives of our struggle.
Against fascism and imperialism
Actively participated in the movement of anti-imperialist and internationalist solidarity with the peoples of the world face every day in the barbarism of imperialism. In the antifascist movement for gender equality, environmental protection, immigrants' rights and against the repression and violence of attacks on freedoms that the system develops an increasingly aggressive manner, especially against youth