dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009


The 31 young separatists denounce prison abuse and sexual assault.

The allegations are as follows:

* Those in jail on Friday reported:
* Blows, threats and pressures
* Some have been beaten on the head constantly
* We have gunpoint with guns in the head during interrogation.
* We have implemented the bag until they were almost breathless
* We have guns in their hands, forcing them to pick them up and leave footprints for blackmail in the statement.
* Jumps on detainees
* Hits with books
* Forced to do physical exercises naked
* Road to Madrid to a detention have stopped and asked if he wanted to see the place where Jon Anza.
* Knocks on the testicles
* Touching.
* Those in jail on Saturday reported:
* In the case of women, naked, in lingerie fondling reported from the waist up. Threats of rape and death.
* Simulation of a young rape
* Hits head constant
* Forced to remain in uncomfortable positions
* Simulation application bag
* Threatened with being drugged, he is shown a syringe with liquid and needled him from behind, but the prisoner said he did not notice any effect.
* Trademark of back blows and chest




diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009


Barça .vs. Mandril!!!

today Barça play with mandril!!!

this game will be very interesting because it represents the club in Catalonia and Madrid from the history represented in anti-Catalanism.

Up to this meaning ami Madrid and Barcelona, as the time since the crackdown was not only a club team, but representing the whole nation.The atheltic Bilbao was the other representing Euskal Herria.Many people do not give him any importance but I do, because the only thing that Real Madrid are seven tried treurens our identity as a team, as individuals and as a people.

Today at 7 pm in Madrid will be worth all that, start the game and eventually white green) or because they do not see where the goals will come!if we play as the goal spree on Tuesday, if we can play against Athletic, we fotran them in us, but I have a presentiment, perhaps not as we were 2-6 last season, but today will notice that Futbol Club Barcelona was, is and will be the best team in the world!

diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009


Mercenary will update today:

- Waiters on the Squadron's "protectors" of the Catalan people
but coincidentally, To the demonstrations is to make a decent people, as manifestations Against Racism, Against Fascism, the homophobia, the day on 11 September, defend the rights of students, workers rights, equality as a people and nation, are the first to use violence.
without looking if they are older if they are women, if they are wrong, have no any miramar, your job is to get the baton and deliver a first pass. This job is made mercenaries, so we can say that quite a few young men are wicked mercenaries.
Theoretically, they should speak Catalan Dells but most are former military people and the Civil Guard and are ESPANYOLS of shit!
every day, its curator clandestinely assault, assault and Portaña people to the hospital, I really have to trust that these are the need to protect us?I prefer to protect me alone;)

this is one part of the way of marcenary people,
other day i speak about Guàrdia Civil, about OTAN,
ertzaina, about all grups that are the true TERRORISTS,

watchdogs of law and orderAssessin abuse of power to loose!

dijous, 12 de novembre del 2009




Communist theory was invented fot Karl Marx in S.XIX
and is based on equality and solidarity.
his theories are very studied and very convinced
Karl Marx defened the working class, and hate bourgeoisie.
his way of acting was through a violent revolution
over time have come out different types of communism
as utopian socialism, socialism, social democrats, communists revisionist,
liberal communists, the anarcocomunnists.

has fought hard to establish a communist, but communism has never applied a 100%
Lennin fought for communism, Stalin tried to implement it, is making true socialism, and others stayed with socialism.

I believe that communism is a good way for that fight.
I think it is good living conditions, which would be a good way to live.
Marx's theories are very good, now the problem is who wants to accomplish. I think that now the population is not enough conciencied and now a communist wouldn't work because people have a conscience capitalist, therefore, must fight to change their conscience

must learn that private property isn't good that the only thing is that the more you have the more you want. must learn that money doesn't lead to happiness, we must learn to live with what we need, we must learn to be supportive

people must learn to think with others, not only in themselves, may not be so selfish in this life on earth where you live, which led thy life, work, food ..
people who don't know respect, know that not tolerate is the month that it deserves not to be respected, not be tolerated fascists, racists, bourgeois, religion people, politians..

These are the people that you really eat the head, you manipulate the clothes you, that tells you lies, that kills you

Fight for an equal, solidarity, fair society

Fight For Freedom!

violence is the only way

dimarts, 10 de novembre del 2009

my pride, my honor,

"Catalunya no paga traïdors " Romans sais this phrase in this times,
but the real phrase is " Roma no paga traïdors "

Catalunya is a name for the my contry, and we history is very larg,
and very interested, Is the story of an entire people, in a language that is still alive.
The continues fight to stay catalunya is the living memory of dead comrades who fought for our freedom. Camaradas few that didn't worry about what they had and they could lose They just had a dream, Got to have your own name, be recognized as a country and fight Against the French and Spanish invaders.

Our history is very extensive and full of both pride and treachery.

Spaniards have invaded today, we have tried to steal our identity, but it may have sold it clear that they never steal our dignity, our pride as a people and our Catalans name.
many of us, we are strong and have some clear ideas : there is no nutrition to the oppressors

Sooner or later, our dream will become must comply, and the Catalan army will protect any invader.

have a name, a flag, one language, only now we need freedom!!!!

Catalunya fight for FREEDOM!


dissabte, 7 de novembre del 2009

Borbons are a very rich family and the first autority.
Borbons descend of Felip V, descend of the fascism.
Are a ESPANYOLS, and i hate all espanyols.
The family is a fascist people and i hate a fascist people