dijous, 12 de novembre del 2009


Communist theory was invented fot Karl Marx in S.XIX
and is based on equality and solidarity.
his theories are very studied and very convinced
Karl Marx defened the working class, and hate bourgeoisie.
his way of acting was through a violent revolution
over time have come out different types of communism
as utopian socialism, socialism, social democrats, communists revisionist,
liberal communists, the anarcocomunnists.

has fought hard to establish a communist, but communism has never applied a 100%
Lennin fought for communism, Stalin tried to implement it, is making true socialism, and others stayed with socialism.

I believe that communism is a good way for that fight.
I think it is good living conditions, which would be a good way to live.
Marx's theories are very good, now the problem is who wants to accomplish. I think that now the population is not enough conciencied and now a communist wouldn't work because people have a conscience capitalist, therefore, must fight to change their conscience

must learn that private property isn't good that the only thing is that the more you have the more you want. must learn that money doesn't lead to happiness, we must learn to live with what we need, we must learn to be supportive

people must learn to think with others, not only in themselves, may not be so selfish in this life on earth where you live, which led thy life, work, food ..
people who don't know respect, know that not tolerate is the month that it deserves not to be respected, not be tolerated fascists, racists, bourgeois, religion people, politians..

These are the people that you really eat the head, you manipulate the clothes you, that tells you lies, that kills you

Fight for an equal, solidarity, fair society

Fight For Freedom!

violence is the only way

1 comentari:

  1. Mmm, I don't know if violence is the only way.... I prefer to believe there are other ways...
