dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2009


this is my love, my dream, my feel,
i love this time and never forget this colors,
is a feel, is a way of live...
F.C.B was born to 29 of november in 1899, and
Hands Gamper founded the Futbol Club Barcelona.
Barca were not only mean love of sport,
is politician, is a love for the patria, is a one
identity for Catalonia State, and when Barça win,
Catalonia win be recognized for all people in the world.
Barça is a best time in the world,
and i think that have demonstrated already during these years.

Himne for the Club:

Tot al camp
es un clam
som la gent blaugrana
tant se val d'on venim
si del sud o del nord
ara estem d'acord estem d'acord
una bandera ens agermana

blaugrana al ventun crit valent
tenim un nom el sap tothom
Barça Barça Barça

tots units fem força
son molts anys plens d'afanys
son molts gols que em cridati
s'ha demostrat s'ha demostrat
que mai ningu ens podra torcer

blaugrana al ventun crit valent
tenim un nom el sap tothom
Barça Barça Barça

Blaugrana al ventun crit valent
tenim un nom el sap tothom
Barça Barça Barça
Tenim un nom el sap tothom
Barça Barça Barça

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