dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2009

Never forget, never forgive

In response to the call previous to the trial, about 8000 people marched along the streets from Usera neighborhood, where fascist demonstrated the same day Carlos was killed, to Legaspi, where he was killed. Hundreds of antifascist people came by bus to Madrid from other towns to support the demonstration.An spokesman from Antifascist Platform of Barcelona commented to La Haine: “200 hundred people gathered in Barcelona two days ago in an action called and coordinated all over the country and we are know beginning a campaign against nazi impunity”The front of the demonstration was formed by a big group of parents, Legaspi neighbors and Mavi, Carlos’s mother. They were followed by the main banner, held by Friends and comrades of Carlos. The demonstration was very colorful, with some people carrying big flags following a banner reading Carlos: Never forgive, Never forget. There was a lot of police deployed, but they stayed apart.Alter the demonstration, the organization’s spokesman told La Haine how pleased they were because today thousands have demonstrated against fascism and capitalism”.On Monday September 14th will start the trial of the fascist soldier Josué Estebanez. There have been called gatherings of support at the Court’s doors from September 14 to September 24th, 2009.

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