dilluns, 1 de març del 2010


skinheads are a subculture that was born in 1969 in England.

is a mixture of young workers and black Jamaican reggae played.

The first Skinheads who called themselves skinheads left alone because of the working classe and went ska concerts.

Later a number of skinheads began to have racist tendencies and began to play Oi! streetpunk or also known as the first racist group that came out in the '70s with vocalist was Skrewdriver Ian Stuart who later formed the extremist group Blood and Honor.

Sus letras cada vez eran mas influenciables sobre la gente y los SKINS originales decidieron sacar un slogan que se diferenciase con los racistas, que su slogan fue un casco troyano con las iniciales S.H.A.R.P ( Skinheads against racial prejudice )

The neo-Nazi skins the denominarion boneheads, because at first because the punks were punks were fear of society, later when the skins were not well regarded by the company decided to become Nazi skinheads

Later, the skinheads began to enter politics in 1977 when it formed the first REDSKINS, with clear ideas communists, they differed from the SHARP because they were involved in politics and also differed from the boneheads on their communist ideas clearly fascist.

time passes and were creating more types of skinheads,Now there are AnarkoSkins now, the Redskins, Sharp now considered apolitical and who are clearly not a Nazi skins skins since the origins of the skins are black and his ideas are clearly racist.

are people who are bored and has strived to copy emmblemas clothes and a subculture that grew out of the working classe and ska music.


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